Contents of Somerset Rivers Authority Annual Report 2019-20
Somerset Rivers Authority Annual Report 2019-20 covers activities funded by the SRA between the start of April 2019 and the end of March 2020.
Get a PDF of the full-length SRA Annual Report 2019-20 (72 pages – 8MB)
Get a PDF of the summary of the SRA Annual Report 2019-20 (16 pages – 1MB)
Alternatively, use the links in blue in the sections below to explore different parts of the Report.
Note: the version of the Annual Report spread across pages on this website is based on the full-length version but does not reproduce it exactly. For example, some graphics are missing because they do not work so well on screen. Cross-references to page numbers have also been taken out and replaced with links.
You are particularly recommended to read the sections about Dredging and River Management and Land Management including natural flood management in full-length PDF form, if possible, because the full-length version contains many more photographs.
Introductory Elements
Purpose of Somerset Rivers Authority
Workstream 1 (W1): Dredging and River Management
Summary W1 Dredging and River Management
Major projects
Maintenance dredging and silt monitoring
How water injection dredging works on the River Parrett
First scientific study published into effectiveness of water injection dredging in Somerset
Pioneer dredging: Oath to Burrowbridge
River Parrett Northmoor to M5 dredging trial
River Sowy – King’s Sedgemoor Drain enhancements
Strategic Approach to Mitigation
Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements Scheme
Smaller Projects
New Highbridge pumping station
Sampford Brett and Woolston Moor
Enhanced Mendip flood risk management and maintenance
Wells: Knapp Hill catchment feasibility study
Workstream 2 (W2): Land management including Natural Flood Management
Summary and Introduction to Land Management including Natural Flood Management 2019-20
Natural Flood Management Online Auctions
Capital grant schemes on the National Trust’s Holnicote estate in West Somerset
Other Natural Flood Management capital grant schemes 2019-20
See also: placed under W5 but with strong connections to this workstream and others
Wetland Biomass Feasibility Study
Workstream 3: Urban Water Management
Summary and Introduction to Urban Water Management 2019-20
Somerset-specific guidance on SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems)
SuDS inspections and demonstration sites
Workstream 4: Resilient Infrastructure
Summary and Introduction to Resilient Infrastructure 2019-20
Enhanced maintenance of highways and structures
Monksilver flood protection works
Shurton and Burton Highway Flood Relief
Beckington surface and foul water investigation
A38 Blackbird Bends flood alleviation study
Workstream 5: Building Local resilience
Summary and Introduction to Building Local Resilience 2019-20
Building Relationships and Community Flood Groups
Somerset Community Resilience Day 2019
Community grants for equipment
Affordable flood insurance survey results
Wetland Biomass Feasibility Study
Financial Summary
Flood Action Plan
Somerset Flood Action Plan targets and what we have achieved