Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan

Somerset Rivers Authority oversees all the work being done as part of Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan.

The overarching aim of the Flood Action Plan is to reduce the frequency, duration and severity of flooding.


The Flood Action Plan’s six main objectives are:

  1. Reduce the frequency, depth and duration of flooding
  2. Maintain access for communities and business
  3. Increase resilience to flooding for families, agriculture, businesses, communities, and wildlife
  4. Make the most of the special characteristics of Somerset (with internationally important biodiversity, environment and cultural heritage)
  5. Ensure strategic road and rail connectivity, both within Somerset and through the county to the South West peninsula
  6. Promote business confidence and growth

Numerous different bodies are responsible for funding or carrying out activities, including Government departments, quangos, charities, local authorities and Internal Drainage Boards.

Themes and SRA workstreams

Flood Action Plan work is organised into five main themes, which are echoed in the SRA’s five main workstreams:

  • River Management including dredging
  • Land Management including natural flood management activities
  • Urban Water Management including Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes, planning and enforcement
  • Resilient Infrastructure including maintenance of highways drainage systems
  • Building Local Resilience, giving inspiration, support, advice, information and practical help to communities, households, businesses, and landowners across Somerset to encourage and enable them to become more resilient and resistant to the impacts of flooding

Get a PDF of the Executive Summary of Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan (2014 original)

Get a PDF of the full Somerset 20-Year Flood Action Plan (2014 original)

Review of the Flood Action Plan

The SRA Board agreed in December 2018 that Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan should be reviewed. As nearly five years had elapsed since the floods of 2013-14 prompted the Plan’s production, Board members wanted to take stock of what had been achieved so far and to update the Plan where need be. A review is now being led by the SRA’s Senior Manager.

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