Minutes, agenda, reports

A meeting of the Somerset Rivers Authority Board was held at 10am on 20 April 2016, at the offices of West Somerset Council in Williton.

Below are links to a summary of decisions taken at the meeting and the Minutes. These documents tell you what happened at the meeting.

They are followed by lists of people attending the meeting, the agenda and informative supporting documents such as reports and updates.

Documents (downloadable PDFs):

SRA Board Summary of decisions 20 April 2016
Agreed Minutes SRA Board 20 April 2016

Members of the Board:

Cllr John Osman – Chairman (Somerset County Council)
Tony Bradford – Vice-Chairman (Parrett Internal Drainage Board)
Ray Adlam (Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board)
Cllr Anne Fraser (Sedgemoor District Council)
Andrew Gilling (Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board)
Nick Gupta (Environment Agency)
Matt Heard (Natural England)
David Jenkins (Wessex Regional Flood & Coastal Committee)
Cllr Tom Killen (Mendip District Council)
Peter Maltby (Parrett Internal Drainage Board)
Cllr Ric Pallister (South Somerset District Council)
Cllr Anthony Trollope-Bellew (West Somerset Council)
Cllr John Williams (Taunton District Borough Council)

In Attendance:

Dr Rachel Burden (Environment Agency)
Brendan Cleere (Taunton Deane Borough Council)
Sarah Diacono (Somerset Rivers Authority)
Cllr David Hall (Somerset County Council)
Paula Hewitt (Somerset County Council)
Barry James (Somerset County Council)
Nick Stevens (Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium)
Iain Sturdy (Parrett Internal Drainage Board)
Vega Sturgess (South Somerset District Council)


Doug Bamsey (Sedgemoor District Council)
Kathryn Holdsworth (Defra)
Cllr Duncan McGinty (Sedgemoor District Council)
Cllr Harvey Siggs (Mendip District Council)


1 Declarations of interest
Purpose: Transparency
All members

2 Draft minutes of previous meeting
Purpose: To agree accuracy
Lead: Chair
Document (downloadable PDF): SRA Board Meeting Draft Minutes 23 March 2016

3 Public Question Time
Purpose: To give the public chance to ask questions
Lead: Chair

4 Flood Re
Purpose: To update the Board on the latest information from Flood Re
Visiting speaker: Mark Hoban, Chairman of Flood Re

5 Local MoU and Constitution, including delegations
Purpose: To sign
Lead officer: Sarah Diacono
Documents (downloadable PDFs):
Appendix 1 Task Force Vision
Appendix 3 Prioritisation Process and Criteria 2016-17
Appendix 3 SRA 2016-17 Enhanced Programme Capital
Appendix 3 SRA 2016-17 Enhanced Programme Maintenance
Appendix 3 SRA 2016-17 Enhanced Programme Summary
Appendix 4 Officer Groups Terms of Reference
SRA Delegations
SRA Local Memorandum of Understanding – Revised
SRA Local MoU – Revised (showing changes)

6 Revised Urban Water Management Workstream (W3)
Purpose: To agree
Lead officers: Brendan Cleere, Barry James
Document (downloadable PDF): Revised W3 draft

7 Specific scheme updates a) Bridgwater Barrier b) Upper Tone c) Dredging Strategy
Purpose: To update the Board on key projects
Lead officers: Rachel Burden, Brendan Cleere, Nick Stevens

8 Any Other Business (AOB)
Purpose: To raise urgent items (agreed with John Osman prior to the meeting)
Lead: Chair

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