SRA Annual Report 2019-20: Soil visits

Better soil husbandry helps to reduce the run-off of surface water. Keeping soil in good health also brings obvious benefits to farmers.

Sometimes soil investigations lead on to bigger natural flood management projects. For example, a visit to the Exmoor village of Winsford in late 2018 prompted the Winn Brook dams created in summer 2019.


Butleigh, Lower Hill Farm (combined with Mid Tier Countryside Stewardship).


Fordgate, Fordgate Farm (x2 – second time to look at establishment of clover cover crop).

Stawell, Manor Farm (x2 – second time to look at soil health progress).

Somerset West and Taunton

Carhampton, Bridicott Farm (to look at lucerne establishment).

Durston, Lodge Farm (to look at miscanthus soils).

Exford, Beech Tree Farm.

Kingston St Mary, Volis Farm (to discuss herbal ley fields).

Leighland, Miscanthus Nurseries, just north of A38 Wellington bypass (visit to ground above Leighland).

Luccombe, Holnicote Estate (meeting with estate management to discuss soil survey).

Luxborough, Slowley Farm.

Sherford, Cutliffe Farm (x2 – an initial soil husbandry visit and discussion of soil-related options under Mid Tier Countryside Stewardship, then a follow-up).

Staple Fitzpaine, Smokey Farm (to look at soil under festulolium grasses).

Stogumber, Hill Farm (meeting to discuss Soil Report and NFM and soil measures under Catchment Sensitive Farming).

South Somerset

Dillington Estate (to look at management of ground for potatoes and discuss potential options for buffer strips).

West Camel, Downhead Manor Farm (to discuss Integrated Pest Management workshop and soil management).

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