SRA Annual Report 2021-22: Asset upgrades at frequently jetted sites
Since 2016, SRA funding has allowed for extra pro-active drain jetting at many places, 125 in 2021-22. Some drains have had to be jetted many times, which indicates intrinsic problems that it makes sense to fix. Hence SRA-funded asset upgrades.
Chilcompton, Broadway/Wells Road, reconstructed existing highway gullies, installed new highway gullies, raised existing carriageway kerbing.
Ditcheat, Ditcheat Hill, provided new highway gullies, installed a formalised road-edge drainage channel.
South Somerset
Bruton, Frome Road/Cuckoo Hill/ Bruton Road, repaired – and where need be replaced – sections of the existing drainage system.
Castle Cary, South Cary Lane, cleansed roadside ditch, refitted existing trash screen, constructed and installed a small gabion basket wall to prevent scouring of the roadside bank.
Cucklington, Long Hill, repaired – and where need be replaced – sections of the existing drainage system.