Summary of Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) Board decisions 19 January 2024

A summary of what happened at the Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) Board meeting on 19 January 2024. Not every item on the agenda is covered. Only items that required decisions to be taken are featured below.

Item 3: Minutes of the meeting on 3 November 2023

It was agreed that the minutes of the SRA Board Meeting held on 3 November 2023 should be signed as accurate.

Item 5: SRA Administration

As recommended, the SRA Board approved the proposed meeting dates for the financial year 2024-25.

Item 6: SRA Finance Report

As recommended, the SRA Board noted the financial performance as at the end of Quarter Two of 2023-24

The SRA Board approved the re-allocation of funds to and from contingency as per Part Two.

Item 7: SRA 2024-25 Enhanced Programme & Budget

As recommended, the SRA Board provisionally approved the proposed 2024-25 SRA Enhanced Programme and Budget subject to final approval after precept funding is confirmed in February 2024 by Somerset Council.

The SRA Board agreed that should the River Sowy- King’s Sedgemoor Drain project not be confirmed as proceeding in 2024-25 by 30 April 2024, then some of the funds allocated to this project will be re-allocated to fund the reserve projects listed in Table D.

Item 8: SRA Strategy and Flood Action Plan

As recommended, the SRA Board noted progress with the development of the SRA Strategy and Flood Action Plan.

Item 9: River Brue Modelling

As recommended, the SRA Board noted completion of the project to update the River Brue computer model.

Item 10: River Sowy King’s Sedgmoor Drain (KSD) Update

Item 10a: Environment Agency update on completion of outfall works

The SRA Board noted the update from the Environment Agency on recent Phase 1 works completed.

The SRA Board also noted the update from the Environment Agency on its position with regard to the remaining two outfall structures (Chedzoy Tilting Weir and KSD Back Ditch).

Item 10b: River Sowy-King’s Sedgemoor Drain Bank Raising update

The SRA Board approved the preparation of a project completion plan to advise the SRA Board and potential delivery partners whether it is likely that the outstanding work can be completed within reasonable costs and supported by all partners and regulators.

The SRA Board authorised the Parrett Internal Drainage Board (IDB) to draw funding from the £100,000 allocated by the SRA in November 2023 to make an assessment and to prepare a proposal to complete the Sowy-KSD works.

Item 11: Any other business (AOB)

The SRA Board agreed to contribute £2,000 towards the forthcoming Somerset Floods exhibition of photographs by Matilda Temperley at Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury (from 2 March to 19 May). The exhibition – marking 10 years since the devastating floods of 2013-2014 – will feature photographs from Ms Temperley’s sell-out publication Under the Surface: Somerset Floods, alongside previously unpublished colour photographs taken during that winter.

The SRA’s contribution will support the exhibition and provide opportunities for raising awareness about the work of the SRA and for promoting the SRA’s new Strategy and Flood Action Plan.

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