Report flooding in Somerset

Where to report flooding in Somerset

Report flooding from rivers and the sea

Environment Agency incident hotline – 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service)

The Environment Agency is concerned with flood risks from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea.

Call the Environment Agency to report collapsed or badly damaged river banks, flooding from main rivers or the sea, main rivers blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding, and unusual changes in river flow.

You can find out what is designated as a ‘main river’ by checking this map:

Report flooding from smaller watercourses, brooks and streams or groundwater flooding

Somerset Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority. It is concerned with flood risks from smaller watercourses, surface water run-off and groundwater.

Contact Somerset Council at or call 0300 123 2224 to report flooding from smaller watercourses, from surface water run-off or from groundwater flooding caused by water rising up through the ground.

Report road flooding and public drain flooding

Somerset Council’s Highways Department is responsible for keeping roads free of obstructive dangerous flooding and providing adequate drainage.

Go to or call 0300 123 2224.

To report flooding on the M5 or a major trunk road (A303, A36), contact Highways England on 0300 123 5000.

Report problems with sewers and burst water mains

Contact your local water company to fix blocked sewers or burst water mains.

Wessex Water covers most of Somerset: Call 0345 600 4 600 (open 24 hours a day for emergencies)

South West Water covers a small area of Somerset near the Devon / Dorset border: Call 0344 346 2020 (emergency helpline open 24 hours a day).

The Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT)

This is a website that allows people to report flooding and submit photographs and videos. This information goes to the risk management authorities and helps in planning for future flood mitigation measures.

There is also a short online training video about using FORT:

Landowners’ riparian responsibilities

If your property has a watercourse, ditches, culverts (underground pipes) or private drains running through it, you will have what is known as ‘riparian responsibility’ to look after these. Even if these are on the border of your property, you are likely to still have responsibility for part or all of these features.

Responsibilities include letting the water flow naturally, and removing any blockages that could increase the risk of flooding.

More information:

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