Contents of Somerset Rivers Authority Annual Report 2018-19

The Somerset Rivers Authority Annual Report 2018-19 covers all activities funded by the SRA between the start of April 2018 and the end of March 2019.

Get a PDF of the full-length SRA Annual Report 2018-19 (64 pages – 3MB)

Get a PDF of the summary of the SRA Annual Report 2018-19 (16 pages – 1MB)

Alternatively, use the links in blue in the sections below to explore different parts of the Report.

Note: the version of the Annual Report spread across pages on this website is based on the full-length version but does not reproduce it exactly. For example, some graphics are missing because they do not work so well on screen.

Introductory Elements

Purpose of Somerset Rivers Authority

SRA funding and legislation

Workstream 1: Dredging and River Management

Summary W1 Dredging and River Management

Major projects

Maintenance dredging and silt monitoring

Scientific Studies into the effects of Water Injection Dredging in Somerset

Pioneer dredging: Oath to Burrowbridge

River Sowy – King’s Sedgemoor Drain enhancements

Strategic Approach to Mitigation

River Brue catchment

Bridgwater Tidal Barrier

Taunton Strategic Flood Alleviation Improvements Scheme

Smaller Projects

Extra Repairs, Improvements and Maintenance

Pumping Stations

Finishing Touches

Case Studies 1 – Cannington Flood Alleviation Scheme

Case Studies 2 – New pump at Screech Owl near Bridgwater


Riparian Responsibilities

Workstream 2: Land management including Natural Flood Management

Summary – UK River Prize and other highlights

Case Study: Innovation – Natural Flood Management Online Auctions

Capital grant schemes

Triple C match-funded schemes

Highways Referrals in 2018-19

Soil visits

See also:  placed under W5 but with strong connections to this workstream and others:

Looking into the Future

Environmental Land Management Innovation

Workstream 3: Urban Water Management

Summary, SuDS Review and Activities in 2018-19

Workstream 4: Resilient Infrastructure

Summary W4 Resilient Infrastructure

Additional maintenance

Designing schemes

Surveys and investigations

Workstream 5: Building Local resilience

Summary W5 Building Local Resilience

Looking into the Future

Environmental Land Management Innovation

Financial Summary

Financial Summary, including Local Partner Funding and Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Deal funding

Flood Action Plan

Somerset Flood Action Plan targets and what we have achieved

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